Thursday, 12 January 2017

wec activities

Women Empowerment cell-Activities 2013-2014

1.      25.07.2013: Orientation programme:  All the girls student of the college were gathered in the room no.23 at around to bring awareness among them regarding aims and objectives of W.E.C. This programme was held under chairpersonship of Smt. Safdar Askari,principal GDC Armoor and convened by Smt P.Latha the coordinator of WEC. The chaireperson assured full cooperation to the girl students in solving their problems and the development of girl students Smt.P.Latha explained aims and objectives of WEC. Smt.HarbonsKour, member of WEC also explained various aspects regarding girls.The students were encouraged to the fearless and bring to the notice of WEC if any issue is troubling them. Whether eve teasing or ragging or sexual harassment. A large no of girl students participated.

2.      12.09.2013: Awareness programme on Atrocities against Women with special reference to Nirbhaya Case: A awareness programme on Atrocities against Women with special reference to Nirbhaya Case was organized on 12.09.2013 by women empowerment cell of government Degree college,Armoor.The Resource person of Awareness programme was B.Krishnanand,Advocate from Nizamabad.Around 140 students and 15 Lecturers participated in the programme.

3.      19.09.2013: Felicitation programme-The state best teacher awardee of year 2013 Smt.Dr.Vasundhara devi was felicitated by Women Empowerment cell under the chairwomanship of Smt.Dr.Safdar Askari,Govt.Degree College, Armoor on 19.09.2013

4.      02.12.2013:  AIDS AWERNESS PROGRAMME  on the occasion of WORLD AIDS DAY organized on dated 1.12.2013 by WEC  along with  four units of NSS and  Red Ribbon Club of GDC Armoor. They took out a rally in the town and huge response has been noted. The college students, teachers and general public actively participated in it and made it a successful.

Women Empowerment cell-Activities 2014-2015
1.       25-08-2014-Awareness programme-WEC organized a Awareness programme on “Preconception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic techniques (PC&DNDT)”.Resource person 1)Dr.Rajesh,Dist.Programme officer,PCPNDT 2)N.Venkateshwarlu,Dist.Public health educator,4)A.Rajeshwar,Community health officer,5) B.Sampath kumar,Asst.Paramedical officer.
2.       01-09-2014 -On interdisciplinary classes: Occasion of National Nutrition Week (1st to7th September) students of WEC girl students conducted interdisciplinary classes at A.P.Social Welfare Residential School, Armoor.
3.       05-09-2014-Student Seminar –Student Seminar organized on the occasion of 5th sept.Self government day celebrations.
4.       18-09-2014- Swachh Bharat Programme-Student participated in the Swachh Bharat programme organized in the college.
5.       25-09-2014-Bathukamma Sambaralu-WEC organized a programme on Bathukamma Sambaralu.
6.       30-10-2014- tree Plantation –the student plated the ornamental plants brought from the Nursery in the Botanical Garden of the college.
7.       13-11-2014- Group Discussion - Group Discussion on Balanced Nutrition Dieton the Occasion of World Diabetes day on 14.11.2014
8.       02-01-2015-Extention Lecture-MANA TV Live telecast-an Extenstion lecture on “Legal rights for Women in India,Resource person –Dr.Vasundara devi, Reader in Political Science,Womens College,Nizamabad.
9.       12-01-2015-Guest Lecrture-WEc organized on Building Self Confidence in Women, Resource Person-Harbans Kour,Asst.Professor in indhi,GDC(W),Huuainialam.Hyd
10.   12-01-2015-Mendi Design Workshop & Competition –resourse person –MS.Reshma
 I-prize-K.Soni,B.Sc.(MPC),I Year
 II-prize-M.Harika,B.Sc.(MPC),II Year
  III-prize-P.Sandhya,B.Com(CA),I Year
11.  17-01-2015-Extension Lecture-WEC organized an Extention Lecture on Health and Hygiene for Girl students_resource person-M.Srinivasa Rao,Asst.Professor in Microbiology,GDC,Armoor.
12.  21-01-2015-Extenstion Lecture –MANA TV  livetelecast-Extension Lecture on Health and Hygiene for Girl Students”, Resourse Person- Dr.Sruthi Reddy, Senior Consultant, Rainbow Hospital,Hyderabad.
13.  27-01-2015-Work shop-Work shop on Fabric Painting. Main perpouse is to develop employment skills of girl students –Resource person-Smt.Savithri,Craft teacher, Nizamabad.

WEC (Women Empowerment Cell) Activities -2015-2016

1.      21-06-2015-Orientation programme: All the girl students of the college were gathered in the room no.5 at around 1.30 pm to bring awareness among them regarding aims and objectives of wec.

2.      07-08-2015-MANA TV-Live Telecast  on “Keys to Self  Development”-All tha girl students and women staff members attended the live telecast of MANA TV on 07-08-2015  to listen the presentation on “Keys to self development by Dr.P.Padmavathi,Principal, Kasturbha Gandhi national memorial trust ,secundrabad.

3.      07-08-2015-Awarness on Women health and hygiene: - After the MANA TV live tele cast,WEC coordinater deliver Lecture with PPT & video on Women health and hygiene”.

4.      13-08-2015-Competition on Rangoli and Drawing- On the Occasion of Independence day celebration at GDC ,Armoor,WEC of the college organized Rangoli and Drawing competition of this competition have been declared and prizes are given to the winners by Principal after the flag hostinceremony.

5.      11.09-2015- MANA TV-Live Telecast on Women Safty-All the girls student and women staff members attended the live telecast of MANA TV on 11.09.2015 by M S.Rama Rajeshwari,IPS,DCP,Malkagigiri,Hyderabad.

6.      11.09.2015-Awaraness on Nutrition for girl students-WEC organized a Awaraness programme on Nutrition for girl students on the occasion of National Nutrition September 1st week. This programme was attended by women members of staff and girl students of this college .on this occasion M.Srinivasa Rao ,Asst. Professor in Microbiology deliver lecture about balanced diet ,vitamins, leafy vegetables

7.      23-09-2015-Workshop on Handicrafts:WEC organized a workshop o Handicrafts (Making of bags ,Purses with beads,crystals.Ch.Prameela, Jyothi who are Special in Handicrafts has been the resource person of this workshop.The purpose of this workshop to import self employment skills in handicraft to student

8.      01-10-2015 to 09-10-2015-Bathukamma Sambaralu:Bathukamma Sambaralu have been celebrated in Govt.Degree College , Armoor under the Aegies of Women Empowerment Cell,NSS-UNITand ICC  of the college for nine days from 01-10-2015 to 09-10-2015.on this eight days Bathukamma celebrations Handicraft Exhibition also has been organized in the college from 07-09-2015 to 09-10-2015 which was inaugurated by the Prof.R.Limbadri,Registrar,Telangana university,Nizamabad.on this Occasion Best Handicraft Exhibits were given certificates Bathukamma Songs collection and songs competition were also held during the bathukamma Sambaralu,and given certificate to them. High light of this Bathukamma Sambaralu in that ,on 08-10-2015 day Smt.K.Swathi Singh Babloo,Chairwomen of Muncipal Corporation ,Armoor attended as Chief guest and also participated in Bathukamma celebration .She has Selected best decorated Bathukamma on This Occasion and Given over the Prizes

9.      Bathukamma Songs collection and songs competition on 1st &3rd  oct.2015

10.  Mehandi competition on 7-10-2015

11.  Handicraft Exhibition also has been organized in the college from 07-09-2015 to 09-10-2015

12    . 1-12-2015 0ne day Certificate course on  Handicrafts( making of bags & purses with beads& crystals
13    12-1-2016- Health camp on the occasion of National youth day by Dr. Babu Rao ,Civil surgeon, Armoor.

WEC (Women Empowerment Cell) Activities -2016-2017

1.      05-07-2016- MANA TV-Live Telecast and orientation programme :MANA TV-Live Telecast on Health and Hygiene for  girls student and womenstaff members attended the live telecast of MANA TV by  Dr.V.Uma devi.Indian institute of Health and family welfare,Hyderabad,T.S M S.Rama Rajeshwari,IPS,DCP,Malkagigiri,Hyderabad. After the live telecast ,WEC members and girl students also made discussion on it. After this programme WEC Coordinator conducted aorientation programme for girl students on Aims and Objectives of WEC.

2.      26-08-2016:MANA TV-Live Telecast:MANA TV-Live Telecast on successive story of Jyothi Reddy ,CEO, software  on the occasion of women’s equality day and womenstaff members attended the live telecast of MANA TV by  Smt.Jyothi Reddy ,CEO, Software,Hyderabad.

3.      31-08-2016: Workshop on making of clay Ganesh with natural colors: WEC organized a workshop on making of clay Ganesh with natural colors in GDC,Armoor,Sri Vidya sagar ,Nation Greencore Project officer,who are specialist in Making of clay Ganesh

4.      27-09-2016 &29-09-2016: Bathukamma Sambaralu:Bathukamma Sambaralu have been celebrated in Govt.Degree College , Armoor under the Aegies of Women Empowerment Cell,NSS and ICC  of the college for two days from 27-09-2016 & 29-09-2016. Bathukamma Songs and Mehandi competition, best decorating bathukamma competetion were also held during the bathukamma Sambaralu,and given certificate to them.

5.      Bathukamma Songs competition on 27-09-2016

6.      Mehandi competition on 27-09-2016
7.      19-10-2016 to 27-10-2016:Certificate course on Handicrafts (Making of Bangles ,Jhumkas with Silk threads).WEC organized a certificate course from 19-10-2016 to 27-10-2016.the purpus of this certificate course to impart self employment skills in making of bangles. Total participant students were 30.

8.      26-08-2016:MANA TV-Live Telecast: MANA TV-Live Telecast on Gender sensitization –making Men, Women on 4-11-2016 by Dr.Padmavathi,CCE,Hyderabad .

9.      1-12-2016: Awareness programme on ‘WORLD AIDS DAY’:organized AIDS awerness campaign in the college  of seminar hall .in this M.Srinivasa Rao.Asst.Prof.of Micribiology delivered lecture on AIDS,HIV with PPT presentation B.Sc.(MBC) –III students alsi enacted drama about implication of AIDS disease.

10.  11-01-2017 : Awareness programme on SHE TEAM by K. Seetaramaiah ,CA(station house officer)

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